Posts in Category: The Great Outdoors
Posts in Category: The Great Outdoors
Gardening Safely with Cats: Pet-Friendly Plants and What to Avoid

Get your garden tools and green thumbs ready! If you’ve got a curious kitty who enjoys spending time outdoors, we’ve got pet-proofing garden strategies plus tips on pet-friendly plants so you can grow the garden of your dreams while keeping your favorite feline safe.
Check out the following pet-safe gardening advice from our caring team at Parkside Animal Hospital.
Continue…Tick Season is Here—Are You Ready?

The snow is finally melting, and the bounty of spring is beginning to arrive. Of course, along with the fresh breezes, colourful flowers, and singing birds come the parasites we all love to hate. Tick season has officially arrived, and protecting your pet—and your family—from the many diseases they carry is a top priority. Fortunately, the team at Parkside Animal Hospital is here to help!
Understanding Environmental Allergies in Pets Living in North Bay, Ontario

Our pets can suffer from seasonal allergies, too. Since allergy outlooks are typically high in spring and summer, pets can be exposed to various allergens that make for an uncomfortable time. By the time the leaves start changing, allergy season has reached its apex. So how do yu help your pets overcome their symptoms? Keep reading to find out.
Continue…Winter Safety for Dogs in Ontario

One thing that’s certain in Ontario: winter is bound to be cold. With the harsh weather comes special pet care concerns as well. Parkside Animal Hospital has all the best tips for winter safety for dogs. Read on to keep your pet healthy and warm this season.
Continue…Your Checklist for Summertime Fun With Your Pet

It’s summer in Ontario! Parkside Animal Hospital has the ultimate list for safe and exciting summertime fun with your pet. Don’t miss out on the incredible weather, and get out there and have a blast with your furry best friend.
Continue…What’s the Sitch with that Itch? Top Dog Allergens and How to Avoid Them

Are your dog’s days punctuated by bouts of intense scratching or sneezing? If so, he might have allergies. Experts estimate that nearly 20 percent of dogs will develop an allergy to something over the course of their lifetimes, and at Parkside Animal Hospital, we take dermatology and pet allergies very seriously. Dr. Bertrand, Dr. Holden, or Dr. Hansford will inspect your pet’s skin at every preventive care visit, but please contact us between appointments if you suspect that your pet has an allergy.
Continue…A Pet-Friendly Gardening Guide

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding activity to enjoy outside, as a way for you to relax in the fresh air and nice weather. It can be even more enjoyable when your pets can relish in the garden with you. With safety in mind regarding toxins, parasite prevention, and fencing, you and your pets can experience quality time together in outdoor gardens.
The team at Parkside Animal Hospital has put together a pet-friendly guide to gardening so you and your pets can enjoy its fruits, flowers, or veggies together!
Continue…Microchipping Your Pet Is Easy, Affordable, and a No-Brainer

Given the chance, most pet owners would do anything to guarantee their pet’s safety. This explains why we go to extremes to prepare our homes, work spaces, and garden areas.
But beyond securing a strong fence and gate, or checking all window screens and doorways, there is an additional way to prevent an accidental separation from your pet. One extra step – beyond a collar with ID tag – is microchipping your pet.
Continue…Spring Has Sprung: How Seasonal Changes Affect Pets

You know the feeling, when the rain comes and the temperatures start to warm up. It’s Kleenex and allergy meds time, right? Some people even get headaches and other symptoms of the change in temperature and barometric pressure. Seasonal changes affect pets, too, from allergies to warmer temperatures that pose risks.
To better prepare you and your four-legged for the upcoming spring, here are some recommendations to alleviate some of the seasonal effects. Read on for more information.
Continue…Protect Your Pet’s Paws With Winter Paw Care

Old man winter is settling in, and for most of us that means more time inside. But, if you have dogs, you know that your dogs can’t stay inside all the time. There are times that your dog needs to answer the call of nature, not to mention run off some of that pent up energy!
You may know how to protect your dog from freezing temperatures, but have you given much thought to winter paw care? Paw pads are sensitive and need extra attention when snow, ice, and cold are at play.
Fortunately there are several ways to protect your pet’s paws this winter. Keep reading for Parkside Animal Hospital’s best tips on winter paw care.